Experience and competence!
The company Cattle Comfort GmbH has developed trend-setting floorings for concrete slatted floors in walking areas. Several rubber manufacturers have supported us – and processing has been optimised with a slat manufacturer having over 20 years of experience with similar rubber floorings.
As a result, husbandry gets animal-friendlier. This in turn leads to higher efficiency, higher milk yield and better fertility. Furthermore, the additional costs for the purchase will pay for themselves within a very short time!
The durability has been proven to be 1,000,000 steps (250,000 steps fulfil the DLG test requirements)! The flooring has not shown any damage even after this extreme load. The walking surface plays an important part for animal-friendly husbandry, the well-being of the cows and therefore also for efficiency.
A slippery and hard walking surface may cause painful claw lesions, lameness or disturbances in locomotion. Furthermore, there is a risk of fall injuries.
RispaSoft® and BawariaSoft considerably reduce all these risks.
Zertificate of product
RispaSoft® and BawariaSoft will be produced from high premium rubber quality and Germany-built only.
The used material was developed specially for this case of application and contains no substances, what shows the SVHC-Liste (svhc = substances of very high concern) of the european chemical agency ECHA (REACH) and of this harmless for humans and animals.
The materials are long time age-resistant against environmental influences, do not release carzinogenic N-Nitrosamine, are resistent against UV-Light and ozon accord DIN 53509-1 step 0.